Concert Art
Seems like we’ve been collecting these for awhile now, and this is an ever-popular feature. Please click on each thumbnail for a bigger version of the same poster. Note that these are not entirely faithful reproductions. When scanned, some of the images were originally saved to GIF format, which often renders color differently than the JPEG format (appropriate for photographs and “photographs” of art). Any artist who’d prefer their posters be taken down should contact us immediately.
- Little Joe Soul poster, Artist unknown
- Poster for the first Mother Earth’s Day Festival, May 10, 1992.
- 2nd Annual Mother Earth’s Day Festival – May 9, 1993
- Leap Year show by Nels Jacobson (1992),, used with permission
- Flyer for Black Cat show
- Flyer for Hole in the Wall show
- Flyer for Black Cat show
- Flyer for Black Cat show
- Soulhat/Joe Rockhead by Schneider, 1992
- By Jason Austin. Promoted Soulhat’s 1st anniversary and live recording at the Black Cat in ’91. These shows would be mined to produce “Live at the Black Cat.”
- Artist unknown
- Color match misprint, artist unknown.
- Soulhat and W.C. Clark perform on Muddy Waters’ birthday. Poster by Nels Jacobson,, Used with permission
- Old setlist, probably from ’93 or ’94
- Poster for Blues Traveler with soulhat et al. May 16-17, 1994. Artist: Harry Rossit
- The original “Soul Hat” tye-dye, 1991, Courtesy of Darren Fisher.
- 2-5-93, Vatican in Houston, with Little Sister. Poster by Dave Lawell
- A classic by Nels Jacobson. Promoted release of the “Live at the Black Cat” tape in 1991. - Used with permission
- The return of soulhat: artist unknown.