Upcoming shows

McVein never really went anywhere, we’ve just taken a little hiatus from this here virtual world. As always, the Tuesday night Saxon thang is still going strong, and visits to here and there and the Continental Club have been stellar fun. McVein will be playing after Jon Dee Graham next Wednesday (April 30) so watch out!

The big news is this – Tomorrow night, that’s right, Tuesday at the Saxon, is Soulhat night with the McVein 5. That’s right, they’ll be pulling all your favorite S-hat song off the shelf and dusting them off just for you. So come ready, come requesting, Soulhat exclusive and partly acoustic. yeah.

And now, the even bigger news. The news that may be getting you in your car for a ride down to Houston this Friday – SOULHAT at the Continental Club Houston with the one, the only, the one and only Frosty Smith, thank you, thank you very much. That is the news. You heard it here first. Shout it out, rock and roll. -via The Associate